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E53 | Joey Redner’s Cigar City Revolution: Crafting Tampa’s Beer Boom, Strategic Exits, and Brewing Future Ventures

Welcome to Happy Hour Holidaze! In this exciting episode, hosts Sean Febre and Manny Febre are joined by Joey Redner, the sixth-generation Floridian and mastermind behind Cigar City Brewing. Joey’s incredible journey from an unimpressed local beer drinker to a revolutionary figure in Tampa’s craft beer scene is both inspiring and educational. Join us as we delve into the captivating story of how one man’s passion for better beer transformed an entire city’s beverage industry.

Joey Redner’s story begins with his dissatisfaction with the beers available in Tampa. His curiosity and desire for better beer led him to experiment with brewing, a journey he chronicled through a blog that quickly gained popularity among beer enthusiasts. This blog not only documented his brewing experiments but also served as a marketing tool that engaged a growing audience of craft beer fans.

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E52 | Ben Stranzl’s Bold Choices: Golf Triumphs, Non-Compete Confessions, and America’s Economic Quandaries

Welcome to another riveting episode of Happy Hour Holidaze! In Episode 52, your hosts Sean and Manny Febre bring back the ever-insightful Ben Stranzl for a conversation packed with humor, candid insights, and thought-provoking discussions. This episode is a rollercoaster of topics that range from personal anecdotes to pressing socio-political issues.

The episode kicks off with Manny’s animated introduction, despite the lingering sting of a recent golf defeat at the hands of Sean and Ben. We dive right into Ben’s hilarious recounting of his latest golf triumph and the questionable prioritization that followed – a new putter over groceries! This light-hearted banter sets the tone for an engaging episode that seamlessly transitions into more serious discussions.

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E51 | Brian Gordon’s Patriotic Pursuits: Crafting Second Amendment Cigars, Merch Mastery, and Tactical Ventures

Introduction and Opening Cheers: The episode kicks off with Sean and Manny setting the tone for a fun-filled hour, making jokes about shots and introducing their guest, Brian Gordon.
Brian Gordon’s 2nd Amendment Cigars: Brian dives into his latest ventures, including the launch of his new smaller gauge cigars designed specifically for women. He shares the journey of creating these cigars, the challenges, and the pride he takes in his handcrafted products.
New Merchandise Unveiling: The conversation takes a patriotic turn as Brian unveils his brand-new Second Amendment-themed merchandise. From swimsuits to hoodies, learn about the intricacies of starting a merch line, the importance of trademarking, and the benefits of using drop shipping services like Printify and Shopify.

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Send Your Question

Got burning questions about business, entrepreneurship, or anything in between? We want to hear from you! Send us your queries, and hosts Manny and Sean Febre will answer them on an upcoming episode of Happy Hour Holidaze. Don’t miss this opportunity to get expert insights while having a great time. Simply drop us a message with your questions, and let’s dive into the world of business together!

E48 | William Golston's Gridiron Glory: Reliving the Buccaneers' Super Bowl Win, Embracing Retirement Transitions, and Savouring Life’s Finer Moments

Inside the Trenches with Super Bowl Champion William Gholston: A Deep Dive on Happy Hour Holidaze

Welcome back to another thrilling episode of Happy Hour Holidaze! This week, our hosts Sean and Manny Febre are ecstatic to bring you an exclusive and in-depth conversation with Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ defensive end and Super Bowl champion, William Gholston. Join us as we journey through Gholston’s illustrious NFL career, explore his personal interests, and glean invaluable life lessons from his experiences both on and off the field.

From Draft Day to Super Bowl Glory

William Gholston’s path to NFL stardom is as inspiring as it is unique. Recounting his draft day in 2013, Gholston vividly describes the anticipation and excitement he felt at the Motor City Casino in Detroit. The tension was palpable as he missed several calls before finally connecting with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The raw emotion of that moment, filled with joy and tears, set the stage for a remarkable career.

Gholston’s journey from a hopeful draftee to a key player in the Buccaneers’ Super Bowl victory is a testament to his hard work and dedication. He shares the honor and significance of winning the Super Bowl at Tampa’s home stadium, a historic first for the NFL. Gholston’s detailed description of his Super Bowl ring—complete with a replica of the stadium, the scores of playoff games, and numerous diamonds—offers listeners a glimpse into the tangible rewards of athletic success.

Tales from the Trenches

Beyond the glitz and glamour of Super Bowl rings, Gholston delves into the gritty reality of life in the NFL trenches. He opens up about the physical and mental challenges of being a consistent force on the field, the brotherhood forged with teammates, and the unspoken bond that comes from battling together through the highs and lows of the game.

One of the standout moments in the episode is Gholston’s comparison of playing under two very different quarterbacks: Jameis Winston and Tom Brady. While Winston is remembered for his fiery passion and memorable antics, such as the infamous “eating W’s” moment, Brady’s leadership is described as more understated yet profoundly impactful. Gholston emphasizes the unspoken leadership and clear goals that came with Brady’s presence, which ultimately led the Buccaneers to their Super Bowl victory.

Transitioning from the NFL to Business Ventures

A major focus of this episode is the transition from a career in professional sports to life beyond the NFL. Gholston discusses the importance of preparing for this shift, surrounding oneself with a supportive network, and embracing new opportunities. He candidly shares his own journey into the business world, highlighting his ventures into real estate, transportation, and the upcoming opening of a cigar lounge.

Gholston’s reflections are not just limited to his personal experiences. He offers universal advice on the significance of mental and spiritual preparation before taking on new challenges. The conversation also touches on the mentorship he’s received and how it has shaped his business acumen.

Lighter Moments and Personal Interests

The episode is peppered with lighter moments that reveal Gholston’s personality beyond the football field. His enthusiasm for whiskey and cigars leads to a fun discussion on their favorite brands and the camaraderie of cigar lounges. The conversation takes a geeky turn as they dive into their shared love for Dragon Ball Z, discussing favorite characters and memorable moments from the series.

In a surprising twist, Gholston reveals his passion for writing poetry, a hobby that provides him with a creative outlet and a way to express himself off the field. This unexpected revelation adds a new dimension to his character, showcasing his depth and versatility.

Leadership, Brotherhood, and Mentorship

Throughout the episode, the themes of leadership, brotherhood, and mentorship are prevalent. Gholston speaks highly of the coaching staff at the Buccaneers, particularly Todd Bowles, and the impact they have had on his development as a player. He underscores the trust and bond shared among the coaching team and how it translates into effective player development and game strategies.

Gholston’s stories about his relationships with teammates, both past and present, highlight the importance of camaraderie and mutual respect in achieving success. His anecdotes about trading jerseys with other players provide a glimpse into the traditions and personal connections that define the NFL’s unique culture.

Finding Inspiration and Embracing Life’s Silver Linings

The episode concludes on a motivational note, with Gholston sharing his philosophy on life and the power of positive perception. He encourages listeners to look for the silver lining in every situation and to remain resilient in the face of adversity. His words resonate not only with sports enthusiasts but with anyone facing life’s challenges.

Key Takeaways

  • Grit and Determination: Gholston’s journey from draft day to Super Bowl champion is a testament to hard work, resilience, and dedication.
  • Leadership Styles: The contrasting leadership styles of Jameis Winston and Tom Brady offer valuable insights into what makes an effective leader.
  • Transitioning to New Ventures: Preparing for life beyond professional sports involves strategic planning, mentorship, and embracing new opportunities.
  • Personal Interests: Gholston’s love for whiskey, cigars, anime, and poetry adds depth to his character and provides a well-rounded view of his personality.
  • Motivation and Positivity: Finding the silver lining and maintaining a positive outlook are crucial for navigating life’s ups and downs.


Tune In Now

Whether you’re a die-hard Buccaneers fan, a sports enthusiast, or someone seeking inspiration and practical advice, Episode 48 of Happy Hour Holidaze offers something for everyone. Join Sean and Manny Febre as they uncover the many facets of William Gholston’s life and career, providing a rich and engaging podcast experience.

Don’t miss out on this captivating episode—listen now and join the Happy Hour Holidaze community in celebrating the journey, achievements, and insights of one of the NFL’s most respected players.
