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E65 | Davy Rolando’s Dynamic Dual Careers: From Radio Stardom to Tattoo Entrepreneurship, Nightclub Innovations, and Iconic Music Moments

Davy’s story begins with his unexpected entry into the world of radio—a world he never imagined himself in. A chance encounter with a girl he met at Prana led him to a pivotal decision: pursue an unpaid internship at 94.1 or stay in his comfort zone. Choosing the former, Davy’s dedication saw him rise from street team intern to a beloved on-air personality on the Freak Show, captivating Tampa Bay listeners with his authentic, unfiltered voice for over a decade. His journey in radio wasn’t without its challenges, though. Davy shares candidly about the struggles of being the “fill-in guy,” always waiting for a permanent spot, and the patience it took to finally land a full-time position after years of grinding.

The Transition to Entrepreneurship

But radio was never Davy’s endgame. He always saw it as a stepping stone to something he could truly call his own. This episode dives deep into his transition from the airwaves to the tattoo business, where he co-founded Emphasis Tattoo in Tampa. Davy shares the calculated risks he took, starting the business two years before leaving radio and navigating the challenges of opening just before the COVID-19 pandemic shut everything down. His foresight in having six months of operating costs saved up ensured that Emphasis Tattoo survived and eventually thrived, even expanding its operations thanks to the good graces of a landlord impressed by Davy’s business acumen.

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E64 | Christian Pena’s DJ Domination: From Teen Passion to Music Industry Icon, Radio Innovations, and Club DJing Challenges

The Birth of a DJ: Christian takes us back to where it all began—his love for music sparked at age 16 when he discovered the art of DJing. He recounts his relentless pursuit to land a spot on WTMP’s urban radio lineup, battling challenges like performing live without modern tech aids and overcoming age-related setbacks in the club scene. His journey from mixing tapes in his room to becoming a sought-after DJ is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance.
Life on the Edge: Christian dives into the contrasting worlds of entrepreneurship and traditional jobs, exploring the leadership and sacrifices required to build a career from scratch. He shares his experiences of juggling the uncertainty of entrepreneurial life with the false security that often comes with a 9-to-5 job. Through his story, listeners gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to step out of the comfort zone and chase their dreams.

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E63 | CJ Holland’s Golfing Greatness: From Baseball Beginnings, Junior Tour Dominance, to College Aspirations

What does it take for a young athlete to transition seamlessly from one sport to another while becoming a dominant force in the world of junior golf? In this insightful and inspiring episode of *Happy Hour Holidaze*, hosts Sean and Manny Febre sit down with CJ Holland, a rising star who’s taking the junior golf scene by storm. At just 15 years old, CJ has already achieved remarkable success, ranking 31st on the Hurricane Junior Golf Tour and earning accolades as one of the top young golfers in his district.

CJ’s journey began at the age of two, when he first picked up a plastic club and started swinging away in his backyard. Supported by his family, particularly his father and grandfather, CJ’s passion for golf grew as he spent time on the putting greens and golf courses near his grandparents’ home. His story took a pivotal turn in eighth grade when he made the bold decision to leave baseball behind—despite excelling as a Little League All-Star—to focus entirely on golf. Since then, his game has evolved dramatically, earning him multiple top finishes in highly competitive tournaments.

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Send Your Question

Got burning questions about business, entrepreneurship, or anything in between? We want to hear from you! Send us your queries, and hosts Manny and Sean Febre will answer them on an upcoming episode of Happy Hour Holidaze. Don’t miss this opportunity to get expert insights while having a great time. Simply drop us a message with your questions, and let’s dive into the world of business together!

E44 | Tesla Tumult and Tee Times: A Spirited Session with Happy Hour on Musk’s Cybertruck, Golf's Business Edge, and Revisiting the O.J. Simpson Trial

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Franchising and Golf in Business: Insights from Happy Hour Holidaze

In the latest episode of “Happy Hour Holidaze,” hosts Sean and Manny Febre dive deep into the realms of franchising and the strategic use of golf in business networking. Their guest, Steve Fantetti, a seasoned lawyer with expertise in corporate law, sheds light on the intricacies of franchising, offering valuable advice for entrepreneurs looking to expand their businesses through this model. Additionally, the trio discusses how golf can be an effective tool for building business relationships and sealing deals.

Understanding Franchising: The Basics

The episode kicks off with an enlightening discussion about the foundations of franchising. Steve outlines what makes a business a good candidate for franchising, emphasizing the need for a replicable, systematic model that can easily be adopted by others. This is crucial for ensuring the consistency and quality that franchisees will expect and rely upon. Steve uses the example of fast-food giants like McDonald’s to illustrate how standardized procedures and operations facilitate successful franchising.

Legal Considerations and Financial Aspects

Steve navigates listeners through the legal frameworks that support the franchising structure, including the importance of creating a comprehensive Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) and a robust franchise agreement. These documents are vital as they provide transparency and set the expectations for both franchisors and franchisees, covering everything from initial fees and royalties to obligations and restrictions.

Financially, franchising allows businesses to expand without the burden of significant capital expenditure typically associated with opening new locations. Instead, franchisees fund the startup costs, allowing the franchisor to grow their footprint more rapidly. However, Steve warns of the pitfalls of overburdening franchisees with high fees or unrealistic expectations, which can lead to failure and damage to the brand.

The Role of Golf in Business Networking

Switching gears, the conversation turns to golf, a passion shared by many business professionals, including the hosts and their guest. Steve discusses how the golf course provides a unique environment for business discussions, away from the formal confines of the office. He shares personal anecdotes about how golf has helped him secure deals and foster deeper relationships with clients and colleagues. The relaxed setting of a golf course encourages open, honest communication, which is often more guarded in traditional business settings.

Practical Takeaways

Listeners are treated to a wealth of practical advice throughout the episode. For those considering franchising, Steve stresses the importance of understanding your business’s core competencies and ensuring that the model is something that can be easily taught and replicated. For aspiring golfers, the message is clear: the sport can be a powerful tool for business development, so it’s worth investing time in learning to play and understanding golf etiquette.


The episode wraps up with a lively Q&A session where listeners’ pressing questions about franchising and business strategies are addressed. The hosts and their guest emphasize the importance of careful planning, legal safeguards, and maintaining a supportive network through activities like golf.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur interested in exploring franchising or a business professional looking to leverage your golf skills for networking, this episode of “Happy Hour Holidaze” is packed with insights that blend business acumen with leisure for success.

Call to Action

For more engaging discussions on business, law, and leisure, don’t forget to subscribe to “Happy Hour Holidaze.” Tune in weekly for more episodes that provide you with the tools and knowledge to enhance your entrepreneurial journey. And remember, whether on the course or in the conference room, staying informed and connected is key to success.
