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E58 | Christine Edwards’ Legal Leap: From Defense Attorney to Judicial Candidate, Real Estate Reflections, and Campaign Challenges

Welcome to Episode 58 of Happy Hour Holidaze! In this episode, hosts Sean and Manny Febre sit down with two exceptional guests: Christine Edwards, a seasoned attorney and judicial candidate for Seat 11, and Manuel Manna, CEO of Manna Homes. Get ready for an inspiring and informative conversation as Christine and Manuel share their journeys, insights, and experiences.

Christine Edwards: From Attorney to Judicial Candidate

Christine Edwards takes us through her inspiring journey from graduating from UCF and Stetson College of Law to her impactful work in criminal defense and civil litigation. She shares her motivations for pursuing a judgeship, her dedication to fair treatment in the courtroom, and the challenges her practice faced during the pandemic. Christine’s passion for law and her desire to make a difference shine through as she discusses the importance of judicial impartiality and the challenges within the judicial system, such as backlogs and the role of technology.

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E57 | Amber Fields’ Inspiring Journey: From Instagram Modeling to UFC Ring Girl, Real Estate Ventures, and Boxing for a Cause

Step into the convivial world of Happy Hour Holidaze, where the realms of entrepreneurship, groundbreaking business insights, and unfiltered joy merge in a symphony of enlightening entertainment! Your hosts, Sean and Manny Febre, guide this unique journey that reshapes the traditional podcast experience, turning solemn dialogues into spirited, insightful revelries.

In this episode, we welcome Amber Fields, a dynamic social influencer and rising star in the boxing world, who shares her remarkable journey from small-town Lakeland, Florida, to the sports industry’s limelight. Discover how Amber transitioned from Instagram modeling to becoming a UFC ring girl, and get an insider scoop on her upcoming boxing match with Misfits on August 10th. Amber’s efforts to master Spanish through Duolingo and her heartwarming experiences in Costa Rica will also inspire you as she prepares to celebrate her 29th birthday.

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E56 | Vince Serrano’s Dual Ambitions: Rising Through Influencer Boxing, Musical Drive, and Life-Changing Health Transformations

Welcome to another electrifying episode of Happy Hour Holidaze! Hosts Sean and Manny Febre are back in the studio with a returning guest, Vince Serrano. Vince, a rising star in the world of influencer boxing and music, shares his incredible journey from local fight events in Wesley Chapel to the professional boxing arena, all while maintaining his passion for music. This episode is filled with inspiring stories, practical insights, and plenty of laughs, making it a must-listen for fans of boxing, music, and personal growth.

Sean and Manny start the episode by introducing Vince Serrano, highlighting his impressive achievements in both the music and boxing worlds. Vince expresses his gratitude for the support and mentorship he’s received from Sean and Manny, particularly in improving his podcast editing skills. The conversation quickly dives into Vince’s entrance into the world of influencer boxing, which began after he attended a local fight in Wesley Chapel. He explains the differences between amateur and professional influencer boxing and outlines the process of getting licensed through the Pro Boxing Commission (PBC).

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Send Your Question

Got burning questions about business, entrepreneurship, or anything in between? We want to hear from you! Send us your queries, and hosts Manny and Sean Febre will answer them on an upcoming episode of Happy Hour Holidaze. Don’t miss this opportunity to get expert insights while having a great time. Simply drop us a message with your questions, and let’s dive into the world of business together!

E17 | Beyond the Fairway Brad Brunner’s Untold Story of Pro Golf, Sacrifice, and Triumph

A Professional Golfer’s Life: Exploring Brad Brunners’s Journey Beyond the Golf Course

In the shimmering universe of professional sports, there lies a profound depth of human experience often overshadowed by the relentless spotlight of media and championship trophies. One such story is that of Brad, a professional golfer, whose journey unveils the grit, sacrifice, and soul-stirring decisions made in the quiet corners of life, away from the roaring greens. His narrative, rich with emotion and life lessons, invites us into the seldom-discussed spaces of a golfer’s life, addressing themes that resonate beyond the confines of sports.

Embarking on a Golfing Journey: The Roots of Passion and Perseverance

Brad’s golf story began not with spectacular swings or hole-in-ones, but within the nurturing embrace of family and community. This starting point, crucial yet often undervalued, is the bedrock of many a professional golfer’s career. Here, Brad’s reflection on his early days, marked by the receipt of his first golf clubs and his father’s guiding presence, provides a heartwarming testament to the role of foundational support in shaping a sportsman’s path. It’s a reminder that behind the making of every dedicated athlete lies a backdrop of encouraging loved ones, pivotal moments, and often, a childhood defining decision.

Behind the Glamour: The Challenges Shadowing Professional Golf

Contrary to the popularly televised version of a professional golfer’s life, Brad opens the gates to a realm where victories are hard-fought and the journey is punctuated with obstacles both personal and professional. Financial burdens, the relentless pursuit of sponsorships, and the physical and mental toll of constant competition mark the rugged landscape of professional golf. Brad’s personal account serves as a grounding narrative, showcasing the resilience required to navigate the high-pressure environment of professional sports.

Comrades in Golf: The Unspoken Brotherhood on Tour

In an environment defined by competition, Brad brings to light an unexpected dimension of professional golf—the camaraderie and deep-seated respect among the athletes. His experiences underscore the value of solidarity in an individual’s sport, a poignant reminder that even amidst the battle for personal bests and world rankings, human connection finds its place, offering solace, understanding, and shared joy in each other’s achievements.

The Crossroads: When Family Calls Beyond the Golf Course

Perhaps the most compelling turn in Brad’s journey was his heartfelt confrontation with a question many career-driven individuals grapple with: when does one heed the call of family? The professional golfer candidly shared the emotional tug-of-war between his lifelong dream and the echoing needs of his family, illuminating the personal sacrifices veiled behind public successes. This powerful segment of his story transcends golf, touching upon a universal conflict of balancing family and career.

Evolving Fairways: Recognizing Women in Golf

The conversation took a significant detour to acknowledge the contributions and challenges of female golfers, with Brad reflecting on their impactful journey within the PGA Tour. This discussion, brief yet impactful, highlights the milestones set by pioneering women and the changing face of golf, fostering a more inclusive environment for future generations.

Life Lessons from the Golf Course: Brad’s Parting Wisdom

In concluding, Brad distilled his experiences into pearls of wisdom for aspiring golfers and frankly, anyone striving towards a personal dream. His insights, carved from setbacks and comebacks, emphasized an unwavering commitment to one’s passion, resilience in the face of continuous failure, and the courage to redefine personal success. These reflections, authentic and universal, provide a roadmap for persistence, dedication, and holistic growth.


Brad’s story, woven with vulnerability and insight, offers more than a glimpse into a professional golfer’s life. It is a narrative of human strength, personal compromise, and the intricate balance between chasing an ambition and honoring one’s heart. It underscores that success, often viewed through the lens of societal accolades and professional triumphs, bears deeper significance when mirrored against personal happiness and fulfillment.

We invite you to reflect on Brad’s journey and share your insights or similar experiences in the comments below. How have you navigated your personal and professional crossroads? Join us as we continue exploring real stories from the world of sports, offering not just inspiration, but a heartfelt connection with the trials and triumphs of individuals like
